Tania A. Baker
E.C. Whitehead Professor of Biology, M.I.T.
Investigator, H.H.M.I.
Ph.D. 1988, Stanford University
Phone: (617) 253-3594
Email: tabaker@mit.edu
Tania Baker’s current research explores mechanisms and regulation of enzyme-catalyzed unfolding, ATP-dependent protein degradation and remodeling of the proteome during cellular stress responses.
University of Wisconsin, Madison 9/79 to 5/83
B.S. Biochemistry, with distinction, May 1983
Advisor: Professor Carol A. Gross
Stanford University Medical School
9/83 to 6/88
Ph.D. Biochemistry, June 1988
Advisor: Professor Arthur Kornberg
Postdoctoral Fellow
Stanford University Medical School, Advisor: Arthur Kornberg
Department of Biochemistry
6/88 to 12/89
Postdoctoral Fellow
National Institutes of Health, Advisor: Kiyoshi Mizuuchi
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease
12/89 to 10/92
Assistant Professor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Biology
10/92 to 6/97
Assistant Investigator
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
5/94 to 6/97
Associate Professor — Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Associate Investigator — Howard Hughes Medical Institute
7/97 to 6/02
Head, Department of Biology — Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Investigator — Howard Hughes Medical Institute
4/12 to 4/2014
Whitehead Professor of Biology — Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Investigator — Howard Hughes Medical Institute
7/02 to present
2008 Margaret MacVicar Faculty Fellow
2007 Elected Member of the National Academy of Sciences
2005 Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
2004 Elected Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
2002 Whitehead Professor of Biology
2002 Elected Fellow of the American Society for Microbiology
2001 Eli Lilly and Company Research Award from the American Society for Microbiology
2000 MIT School of Science Teaching Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Education
1999 Harold E. Edgerton Award for distinction in teaching, research, and service to MIT
1998 ASBMB Schering-Plough Research Institute Award
1993 NSF Young Investigator Award
Robert A. Swanson Career Development Professorship in the Life Sciences for 1992 to 1994
Surdna Foundation Research Award for 1992 to 1993 for support of research of junior faculty in the life sciences
Helen Hay Whitney Foundation Fellowship for Postdoctoral Research 1989 to 1992
Mary Shine Peterson Fellowship for Undergraduate Research academic year 1982-1983
Undergraduate Research Fellowship to Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Summer 1982